Vodacom has appointed Computershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited as its Transfer Secretary and to trace Vodacom shareholders who have unclaimed entitlements (unclaimed dividends / odd-lot offer consideration) owing to them. To verify if there are unclaimed dividends due to you, access the unclaimed dividends link on the Computershare website on https://www.csdividends.co.za/dividend-check/999D9098-5D03-4D50-B996-0FE009CC356E
For further verification, please refer to the confirmation letter.
Should you have any queries please feel free to contact the Computershare Call Centre on 0861 100 918 or +27 11 870 8225 (and select option 3), or email VodacomAssetReunification@Computershare.co.za to claim your unclaimed entitlements. You can also access the Computershare website on https://www.computershare.com/za/vodacom-unclaimed-entitlements .