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(* Please enter values for ALL the fields)
* Operating Country:
Select Country South Africa Mozambique DRC Tanzania Lesotho Ghana Kenya Ethiopia Egypt
*Current location:
Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo
Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape
* Preferred location (Region) for events:
Johannesburg Cape Town Durban Bloemfontein
Limpopo Mpumalanga East London
* Which Operating country do you prefer to receive updates from?
South Africa Mozambique DRC Tanzania Lesotho
Ghana Kenya Ethiopia Egypt
*What area would you prefer to be engaged around?
Business/Supplier opportunities Career opportunities Business updates
Coaching Opportunities Consulting or Advisory Panel member Job referrals
*Personal Interests:
Golf Rugby Soccer Cricket Arts & Culture Business events/Conferences Outdoors Theatre
CSI Environment Food Wine/Whiskey Cycling Running Other